Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Optics: Takahashi FSQ-106
Mount: Astro-Physics AP900GTO
Camera: SBIG ST2K XM
Filters Astrodon Luminance, Red, Green and Blue
Dates: October 4, 2010 through October 11, 2010
Location: Deerlick Astronomy Village
Exposure Details
L = 510 Minutes
RGB = 620 Minutes


bamashim said...

I've been enjoying your wonderful pictures..
I have also fsq106ed and st2k xm..
I am trying to process my images..like you.
but very hard to make it..using photoshop cs3 and maxlm dL..

Really wonderful pictures~~~

from korea..

Ray Major said...

I thought the skies were clear when I woke you up. You still managed to take a picture of a cloud!

But seriously, that is a fascinating object. Nice work.